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Private and Group Lessons for Younger Golfers

Junior golfers are some of the most enthusiastic players on the golf course. They have such a love for the game and generally don’t get as frustrated as the adults. The junior golfer is generally so new to the game that they are like a sponge with the information taught to them at a golf lesson.

They are not afraid to jump in a bunker (those of you that called it a trap, it’s really not) and blast the ball out. While most adult golfers are “afraid” of the sand, juniors tend to embrace the challenge. Think about it. Most children have grown up playing in a sandbox (or in Southern California the sandbox is the beach) therefore, they are not “afraid”.

Blakney Boggs has spent a lot of time teaching juniors and has assisted several juniors receive scholarships to play for junior college teams and NCAA teams. Blakney Boggs has also coached at both college levels. When she was Head Coach at Irvine Valley College, her assistant coach used to make challenge the team to play a round whereby they made sure they had been in a bunker on each hole before holing out.

Blakney encourages ALL golfers to take this challenge. Your bunker play will be come easier, well-honed and you will find that it’s nothing more than a sandbox or beach to enter in and “play” out of on the way to the hole.